The result dictionary is produced once per process and contains information about what happened, primarily intended for use in graphical user interfaces.
These members are available in each result produced.
{ success:"Status of processing." instance:"Name of processed instance or null if no instance were processed." plugin:"Instance of current plug-in at the time." duration:"Time in milliseconds taken to process a pair." error:"Instance of exception thrown (if any)." records:"List of log messages made."}
import pyblish.utilcontext = pyblish.util.publish()for result in["results"]:print("Success!"if result["success"] else"Failed..")# All log messages are captured in `records`for record in result["records"]:print(record)
{"$schema": "","title": "Result","description": "Result from processing a (plugin, instance) pair","type": "object","additionalProperties": false,"properties": {"success": {"description":"Status of processing","type":"boolean" },"instance": {"description":"Name of processed instance or null if no instance were processed","oneOf": [ {"$ref":"instance.json"}, {"type":"null"} ] },"plugin": {"oneOf": [ {"$ref":"plugin.json"}, {"type":"null"} ] },"duration": {"description":"Time in milliseconds taken to process a pair","type":"number" },"error": {"oneOf": [ {"$ref":"error.json"}, {"type":"null"} ] },"records": {"type":"array","items": {"$ref":"record.json" } } },"definitions": {}}